Python Samples

This section will be used to show some of the python I have learned. At first it will be projects that I learned from other people, and where necessary I’ll note if I changed the code from the original project. This won’t be very advanced stuff at first as I am just learning this language but since I have experience in OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) from my Java and C+ classes in my younger days I am going to try to update and modularize some of the simpler programs.

Since I finally found a way to not only display my code well, but also run my code (my current projects are all shell-based code) I have started posting interactive python code. I discovered a website called that works like codepen and displays your code and runs it like it is in a terminal. This will let me show the basic shell-based code and what it does without people needing to download and set up python.

Also, I have decided to start posting my code on GitHub. You can view my repository here